Hello my good ol' savvy crew,
I love what I am doing here more than anything in the world. And I'm sure a lot of missionaries say that but I really, truly mean it. I've seen growth in myself and relief to others that I never would've dreamed was possible. I cherish my time here.
But unfortunately the work we do is not always glamorous or exciting or even very profound. Yet assuredly, "To every thing there is a aseason, and a btime to every purpose under the heaven:"
We helped our classic Southern Grandmother, Mama Vega, take down her Christmas decorations. It ended up being quite the ordeal but we persevered and she is now ready for spring decor.
We had dinner one night with a friend of ours from Ghana, named Reggie, and some of his kids. We taught a really cute (or at least I thought it was…) object lesson for them with a spoon, two oranges, a large cup full of water, and ten Starburst. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
We met a few souls who weren't interested in talking about Christ with us, but who were really sweet and still chatted for a few minutes. We were sure they knew how grateful we were for their kindness.
Sometimes it's difficult to push forward through monotony and uncertainty. It has been for me as a missionary. But I am motivated by the truths that I teach, and the remarkable, transformative power of Christ that begins to flow into their lives because of them. We have been taught,"God loves us as we are, but He also loves us too much to leave us this way. Growing up unto the Lord is what mortality is all about. Change is what Christ's Atonement is all about. Not only can Christ resurrect, cleanse, console, and heal us, but through it all, He can transform us to become more like Him."
I have seen these transformations in the lives of the people we teach. In their lives and in their homes there is a tangible increase of "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance."And these, the greatest of all gifts, are offered freely by Christ unto any who will receive them. And so my invitation to you is the same as to all the world, "Come unto Christ, and be perfected in him." If you don't quite think you know how to do that, I know some guys who can help ;). I promise you greater happiness awaits you in this endeavor than you have ever experienced before.
I love you very much. Never forget it.
A tune.
Elder Winegar
To Every Thing There is a Season
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
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