Hello my friends,


Quite the week. I felt rather unproductive because we had so many Christmas activities and things but it was a good time to say the least. Twas the Season after all.


We had a missionwide Christmas party and we all converged at the most enormous church building that I have ever been to in my life. I'm really bad at parties so I went and watched the polar express in the dark chapel. Good times.


We had dinner with a member that had a sick parrot named mango. Me and him are tight now. Picture included. 


We played some fun Christmas minute-to-win-it games on Christmas Eve as a mission over Zoom. Me and Elder Romney just acted like goons the whole time though mostly. They tried to teach us a 12 days of Christmas dance but Elder Romney decided to do Fortnite dances instead. It was quite amusing if I do say so myself. 


Christmas was good. I got to talk to my cute family. Some highlight gifts were a toga from Mike Chidsey and a Saint Candle with my cousin's face on it. We went to a sick party with the Sister missionaries and we ended up outnumbering the regular guests. So we started jamming out to some Charlie Brown Christmas music. It was radical. 


A simple, profound, and oft quoted verse,


"25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."


As I have pondered much of what I am doing here especially in this time when the work can seem like drudgery, I realized the core of what I am doing here and what Heavenly Father was doing when he sent us here, was very simply to make us as happy as we can be. 


I go and share truths that have brought me immeasurable joy because I want other to partake. 


Heavenly Father sent us to have an Earthly experience so that we can fulfill the measure of our creation, to have joyful experiences here, and to grow and eventually inherent eternal joy. 


That sounds quite spectacular doesn't it. To me it does. 


Even though we may suffer or struggle or perhaps even feel like Paul who "despaired even of life," we must remember that we were created for happiness. Even in the worst of circumstances there is joy to be found. And when we can't seem to find it, may we find comfort knowing that in our trials we are being prepared for something magnificent. 


I love you guys so, so much. I mean it. From the bottom of my heart. You are my light and my strength to press onward. 


Now, indulge me if you would:


Orange Sky--Alexi Murdoch

Cannonball--Damien Rice


Peace ✌🏻 


Elder Winegar

Elder Winegar, Holiday Edition

Tuesday, December 28, 2021


Strangely enough, during this season that was originally intended to celebrate the birth of our savior, people seem less keen on listening to His message than ever. But what else is there to do but press on?

We weren't able to teach very many people this week because lots of people got sick and lots more just got busy. Appointments were canceled and people we meet with regularly all went to see their families. 

Instead we have done a lot of service, for the members of our congregations and especially in the community.

We carried a 400 pound piece of glass across the street. It felt like a movie in real life. 

I seriously messed up a mural I was supposed to paint by mixing a few different shades of blue. Classic Elder Winegar blunder to be honest. 

We had lunch with a former Mission President and his wife who served in Tahiti. As one would assume they had many a story to tell. It was quite enjoyable.

We taught an old friend Xavier. He's an interesting kid. And by kid I mean 35 year old man. He likes talking to us but he practices his own religion called "Xavierism." Much of the belief system conveniently coincides with ours, but he is still working out the kinks. 

During this season when we celebrate Jesus Christ's birth, one naturally ponders why this was such an important event and why it merits so much festivity. 

A scripture I've shared on a few occasions says it well I think,

"In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him."

Jesus Christ coming to earth was important because first and foremost, it was a manifestation of the love that our Heavenly Father has for us. He provided all of us who are lonely with a friend. He provided all of us who stumble, someone to lean on. He provided all of us who sorrow, a shoulder to cry on. He provided all of us who die, a way to live again. 

There are many wonderful gifts to recieve, many wonderful reasons to celebrate this joyous time of year, but none are greater than our savior. 

Hey-O here's some tunage

Not Christmas related...sorry…

Here and Heaven--The Goat Rodeo Sessions

Going to California--Led Zeppelin 

I love you guys. I wish you knew how much I missed you. I pray for you always. 

Have a very Merry Christmas,

Elder Winegar

Merry Christmas from Elder Winegar

Monday, December 20, 2021

Friends O'mine,

Oh my goodness. I feel so horrible. Because of some unique circumstances I haven't sent one of these emails in a long time. I'm terribly sorry. It really makes me sad that I haven't.

So much has happened. It would be foolish to try and include it all. Highlight reel.

Crazy story. I'm just starting a new transfer at the end of November, right? I had a new companion and I'm assigned to lead the area. I'm wildly nervous. I pray and ask that I might be led to do what needs to be done. I feel prompted to go visit someone that I've never even met before. We get there, get out of the car and start walking to his front door. Halfway through the 20 seconds it takes to get there a lady drives by, slams on her brakes and jumps out of the car and yells after us to ask if we are the missionaries. We went over to talk with her and she informed us she had just been evicted, moved into the ward, and had two sons that needed to be taught and baptized. Miracles are real. I cannot deny I was guided to be right where I needed to be. I cannot rationalize it to be a coincidence, seeing how astronomical it was that we were both on that street at that time, which I had never been on prior. God is not dead. He lives and His hand is in our lives. In your life. Take a look. I think you might notice.


My new companion is pretty cool. At first I quite loathed Him. But it was maybe just getting used to the changes. He really likes Cars, Golf, and College life. Basically nothing I really relate to. But we make do. We've gotten along swimmingly thus far. 


I helped construct a float for a Christmas parade. It was an experience to say the least. Tis' the Season my friends. 


My dear friends. My thoughts this week are rather simple. Life is hard. This week I have felt it. Things weren't really easy. And for most of us, they never really are. Much of the time our suffering can seem inexplicable. And oftentimes it may very well be. 


Jesus Christ knew this better than anyone. He who was persecuted, reviled, and hated. He who was betrayed and denied by many of His closest followers, disciples, and friends. And above all, He who experienced all of our sufferings and pains, that we might have Hope for brighter days ahead. 


He said unto all of us who suffer,

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."


Whatever pains, sorrows, or grief the world throws at you, just remember; the world has already been overcome.


In the midst of your suffering, Christ freely proffers peace and love far beyond mortal capacity. To everyone. To each and every one of us. Whether we feel we deserve it or not.


Now listen to these Christmas Songs for me:


It's Beginging to Look A Lot Like Christmas--Bing Crosby

White Christmas--Frank Sinatra

Christmas in L.A.--Vulfpeck

Santa Baby--Vulfpeck


Yeah that should be good for now. 


Love you guys. I think about you constantly.


Elder Winegar


FW: Hi Mama

Tuesday, December 7, 2021