Okay folks. I'm adding a little extra sauce this week because something sick just happened. So we ran into an old homeless friend named Franny. We were just talking to her and one of her friends who was a street artist. And while we were chatting the artist starting sketching us. He gave it to us for free when we finished talking to him. He's a cool dude. Here's the pick. 

Extra Sauce

Monday, October 25, 2021

“The ninjas are deadly and silent

They're also unspeakably violent

They speak Japanese

They do whatever they please

And if you tear off their mask

They'll be smiling”

Yo this week was a little rough. The work was pretty slow. People seemed like they wanted to hear from us even less than usual! Amusing, very amusing. But not really. I don’t know what I’m on about.

We visited Cheryl again this week. Last week after we talked to her she experienced really severe kidney failure and almost died. We visited her in the hospital and gave her a blessing and chatted about some uplifting things. She’s such a strong woman. I’m excited to keep meeting with her.

We also met this dude named John. He lived in a super small wooden cottage. The majority of the space was taken up by a bunch of massive surfboards. We just got to know him a little bit. He’s an older gentleman and he has many a story to tell. He told us about where the best spots are to surf and how we can get there for free. But there’s more to the story. My companion went back to visit him while we were on exchanges and he hadn’t the faintest idea who he was. Additionally the first two times we called him he asked us if we were Jesus, and upon finding we were not, abruptly hung up. We deduced that he most likely has some kind of dementia. A sad revelation indeed.

We met Martha’s brother Raymond. He was visiting her and his knee was super messed up. He looked like he was experiencing some pretty serious pain. We asked him what happened and he said that a ghost threw him out of his bed onto his knee. Sus. We gave him a blessing to heal his knee and we cast out anything that was haunting him or whateva. We have yet to hear a report on how he’s doing. 

Friday was certainly my favorite day this week. We had exchanges with the Salinas Elders. I went to Salinas with Elder Bullock. Now, I don’t know if I’ve talked about Elder Bullock yet but we’re pretty tight. So you can imagine my excitement when I got to go on exchanges with him in his area. It was fantastic. Major bro time moment. We were only able to teach one lesson but we had a good time mobbing around. While taking a stroll through Chinatown, we met this homeless fella named Ron who invited us to his ‘room’ which we were hesitant about but we followed him. As we were following we noticed a very large kitchen knife in his back pocket. Not particularly reassuring. His crib ended up being an old electrical maintenance room with a meat smoker and a bunch of cooked hot dogs on the ground. He told us the story about a kid who beat him with a red hot shovel. Then he ran off to yell at some guy in a wheelchair. Elder Bullock has some serious street cred for speaking Russian. Though it brings me great sorrow to know that he will shortly be leaving his re-assignment here in Cali, and heading out to Russian to finish his mission. Perhaps I will learn Russian to honor him.

We also went to the Oakland Temple this week. It was super sick. Beautiful and of course very serene and peaceful. Pictures will be included. 

Primary program in church. Always love hearing the youngsters sing.

Sometimes the work is rough as are our lives here in mortality. But fortunately we have control over what our experience is like. For better or worse. In the latest conference Elder Uchtdorf spoke wisely saying, “Do you want to change the shape of your life? Change the shape of your day. Do you want to change your day? Change this hour. Change what you think, feel, and do at this very moment. A small rudder can steer a large ship. Small bricks can become magnificent mansions. Small seeds can become towering sequoias.”

Making big changes is rarely effective in our efforts to fill our lives with more joy, peace, and contentment. It’s the small changes, the small actions that will lead to big changes. Smile. Pay someone a compliment. Tell someone how much you love them. Pray. Read a verse or two. I assure you that you will begin to marvel at how big of an impact the small things make. As we strive to just live a little more like Christ every day, our efforts will be multiplied beyond comprehension. Our joy can be filled a drop at a time.

Choose to stay positive. Choose to be better. Choose to be like Christ.

Here are some songs for this week.

Big Sur--Jack Johnson 


Amsterdam--Gregory Alan Isakov

Relatively Easy--Jason Isbell 

I and Love and You-- The Avett Brothers

Olivia--The Backseat Lovers

Love is a Beautiful Thing--Theo Katzman(Heartbreak Hits)

Birds of a Feather--Vulfpeck

I have an additional request. We met this week named Xavier who gave us a track to listen to on Youtube. We can’t listen to it because of the media policy but please give my homie a listen. Also I’m unsure of the content so beware. The first picture I’ll include is the name of his Youtube channel off the back of his last CD.

Much love to you all. 

Elder Winegar 

Hello Po

Hey ya'll.

Phew my perseverance and endurance is really being tested. This pace is gonna be tough to keep up for two years is all I'll say. But there's no place I'd rather be. I love the people of Monterey like none other. 

We went down to San Jose twice and because of traffic spent a whopping 12 hours driving total. It was tough. Real tough. We drove through some of the most beautiful landscapes I've been through. Also we witnessed the fight against a decently sized wildfire from a pretty close distance. It was thrilling. It was insightful to see how fickle even the most magnificent, ancient, and stalwart of creations can be. 

We met a woman named Cheryll who wants to make her way back to being an actively participating member of the church. She has some pretty intense struggles with mental health and is lacking a support system. We were able to share some really hopeful verses and sentiments with her and give her a blessing. There was a powerful spirit present and I hope we were of help to her. We set up a weekly time to come and chat :)

An old friend of Elder Andersen's came down to visit from Livermore. He was an absolute scriptural scholar and had some VERY strong opinions about backing your teaching and testifying with Scripture. He low-key roasted me over it lol.

We spoke for a long time with our friend Victor who is from North Korea. We've been helping him and his wife practice English.  We talked with him for a really long time about some really deep questions of the soul. As I've mentioned previously I can't share many details about him because of the unique nature of his situation. But I just am captivated by his life experience and have developed such a deep love for him even though I don't really know him. 

Here's some songs for you:
Pretty Boy--Joji
Manic Depression--Jimi Hendrix
Mississippi Queen--Mountain
Come Together--The Beatles
Hard Work--Theo Katzman
Lovey Dovey--Otis Reddings
Swampers--Fearless Flyers

Sorry they're kinda rowdy this week
I'd like to share some beautiful words from a hymn called I Know That My Redeemer Lives (love you aunt Jenny) that eased my weary soul. 

"I know that my Redeemer lives.
What comfort this sweet sentence gives.
He lives to bless me with his love,
He lives to plead for me above.
He lives so silence all my fears,
He lives to wipe away my tears. 
He lives to calm my troubled heart,
He lives, all blessings to impart.
He lives and grants me daily breath,
He lives and I shall conquer death."

Those are just a few of the many profound insights contained in the full lyrics.

Jesus Christ has dedicated his whole existence to calming our troubled hearts, wiping away our tears and loving us to the ends of the earth. These words help me feel of his love for us all but really his love is so deep and profound that it simply can't be described in words. 

Just remember; if everyone and everything you love fails you, Jesus Christ never will. He will love you always. 

Keep on Keeping on everyone.
Much love,
Elder Winegar

-Some sights
-Me and Elder Andersen Secret Agent Style

Missionary Type Beat

Monday, October 18, 2021

Dearest Friends and Family,

Hey :) 


I miss you all very very much. I'm having a little bit of a homesickness relapse but it's still got nothing on the first week. I just miss hanging with you folks. But no time to reminisce lemme get to the content my loyal fans want to hear. 


We met this homeless guy named Angel who had no idea what was going on and really wanted us to buy him some Clam Chowder. We got him some garlic bread and he gave us his phone number. We tried calling him and every time he would answer the phone he would be like "GJWFEHCIPWJDOIHWOEJC" and then we'd be like "whoa whoa whoa it's the missionaries" and then he'd be like "Hello." It was quite amusing.


We got taken by some filthy rich couple to Clint Eastwood's restaurant, Mission Ranch, where we were treated to Filet Mignon and Chocolate Mousse. The husband then proceeded to pay in cash out of an envelope with 4 thousand dollars in it. So that was super super dope.


We also had a virtual temple tour with our Korean friend and the sister missionaries doing the tour were cracking me and Elder Andersen up. Let's just say they had some pretty apparent companionship issues…



A new person that moved into the ward did magic tricks for us and played us a Ukulele song that tied perfectly into our lesson with the other people we were having dinner with. It was sick. He's an actual wizard, there's no other explanation. 


And finally we got transfer calls...I will be staying in Monterey with Elder Andersen who is now the District Leader making me the "district fairy." Not quite sure why that's my new title but whatever I'm chilling.


We talked to this guy named Lynn E. (kinda like Lenny but not quite?) who lives out of his car. He's a really funny and fascinating gentleman but he seemed a little overcome by the cynicism of our society and just had a really pessimistic view on life and the state of the world. We tried our best to lift his spirits to moderate success but I left feeling a little down. I just kept wondering what more I could've said. Was he right? Did I really have any reason to think what I was doing was making a difference? 


Later that night Elder Andersen shared with a completely different set of individuals a scripture that entered into my heart with great potency. 


Ether 12:4 

Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with asurety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.


My mind was put at ease. Despite the ever growing chaos that seems to be inducing widespread hopelessness I did have reason to hope, not only for personal peace, but for a better world. And the reason I'm able to have this hope is because of my faith in Jesus Christ. Because of him I can hope for a better world. And that's really what my purpose is here. To "abound in good works" if you will. To help bring to pass this better world by loving and serving individuals just like Christ did. Most often one by one. 


And it's not just limited to missionaries either ;)

I would encourage you all to continually turn outwards. Serve and Love those around you. As you do so you will find your own character changing as well. 


Now here's your songs you zealots:


Sell Out--Real Big Fish

Latter Days--Big Red Machine

Major Tom--Peter Schilling

Stand by Me--Ben E. King

More--Electric Guest

Little Dark Age--MGMT

Diane Young--Vampire Weekend

Ladies and Gentlemen--Blue Rainboots


See you In a few


Elder Winegar



I hate technology so my mama is probably gonna send the email this week. So probably email me directly if you're planning on responding. Unless you want her to see. Then do whatever you want I guess. 


FW: Words from the Elder

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Hey ya'll

To be frank this week was even slower than the last. With a heavy heart I must confess I have little to report to you. Yet this work still bolsters my very soul and when it seems like I couldn't move forward any more I find the vigor and zeal I require by remembering whose work I am really doing. It certainly is not about me.

Some events that made me smile or giggle or shudder this week include:

General Conference of course. I was not only spiritually fed and enraptured by the words of President Nelson, who surely is a prophet that speaks on God's behalf, but I was physically fed by the generous Tongan branch, with whom I enjoyed conference. I ate a lot.

We had a lesson with Beth, one of the first people I met on my mission who was recently baptized. Beth is a very inspiring individual with a great story, but on this occasion the notable occurrence was when her traumatized dog attacked my ankle with great fervor. It did not feel great.

Directly following this lesson we were pulled over by the police. Some very strange procedures and a few other peculiar incidents led us to believe that there was a manhunt in progress for someone with a similar car to us.  

I had my very first 24 hour exchange. My 24 hour companion was super chill and we got along nicely. Him and a few other missionaries did some digging and were able to find the King Lear Ensemble Scene. They found the idea that I was an actor quite amusing and have teased me about it ever since.

Today I was almost struck by a vehicle going 60 miles an hour. I was 6 inches away from death. Puts things in a different perspective. Morbid advice for you all, but ensure that you have all business in order. You are never assured another day.

To compensate for that disturbing tangent I will share with you something that brought me a deep peace and comfort. A speaker in conference mentioned the well known story of Peter walking on the water to meet Christ. In all honesty I was carried away in my own imaginings of the account so I don't recall exactly what the speaker said but I am sure it was wonderful.

I imagined Peter so vividly climbing out of the safety of the boat and onto the water so that he could be with Christ. As he went to his master for a brief time Peter miraculously walked on water. However as soon as Peter shifted his focus from Christ to the "wind boisterous, he was afraid"

What follows stirs my soul.
Peter "beginning to sink" cries "Lord, save me!"
"And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him"

I know firsthand that centering one's life on Jesus Christ will give us the power to do miraculous things, just like Peter. The deep joy that comes from blessing someone else's life with miracles, or the peace that comes from being blessed by them, is astounding. I hope that in their own time, everyone will have the opportunity to experience it.

But even more humbling to me is the idea that when we fail to dispel our doubts, and our faith and focus on Jesus Christ falters because of its imperfection, he is there to catch us. No matter how frightening the winds of our lives seem, or how insurmountable the mountainous waves appear, Jesus Christ will never let us drown. He will always catch us no matter how far it seems we are sinking. His love is unfailing.

Don't worry I didn't forget about the songs.
Instead of My Room--Charlie Burg
Are You Coming Over--Hard Car Kids
Circles--Mac Miller
Tonight I wish I was your Boy--The 1975
When the Ice Goes Out--John Gorka
Two Little Feet--Greg Brown
I Feel Energy--Dirty Projectors

I love you all. See you in a week.

Elder Winegar

Onward Ever Onward