If you would like to email Elder Winegar directly, he can be reached at jacob.winegar@missionary.org Thank you for your love and support!
Wow. My heart is so full. I don't know what happened this week but my faith is so much deeper and my joy is so much more rich than ever before.
The beginning of my week was honestly trash. And it was totally my own fault. I was in my head and wallowing about things that did not concern me or what I was doing here. It was quite selfish of me. And I wasn't any happier for it. Sometimes it feels good in the moment, but really self-pity is just another face of pride.
To remedy the problem I just decided to work really hard and invest myself into the lives of these beautifully unique people that I get to be around. It really made all the difference. Seeing how the "news that [Christ] bore" can heal people in their darkest days is such a marvelous thing to witness. I am humbled that someone as imperfect as me would be given such an opportunity.
We got to meet with our friend named Allan who is the sweetest man and one of a kind. Unfortunately he seemed half asleep for most of our visit, but his efforts are still greatly admired.
Our friend Kanchan, who was adopted by her family from her previous home in India, met with us and shared a sacred experience she had receiving an answer to prayer. I am so proud of her and I happily add to her witness that prayers are answered, even when it might be in God's time and in his way.
Our friend Jennifer, who we have recently been teaching, attended church with us and brought her friend Darla, who we had never met before. She later told us that, even though she is struggling financially and having difficulty finding work, she recently offered Darla and her daughter, who are currently homeless, a place to stay in her home. What an example to me of Christlike love and compassion.
I worked the AT&T Pro AM at Pebble Beach ;)
Twas quite sick
Some Defense Language Institute students from the Young Single Adult ward gathered together Sunday evening and all shared their favorite scripture in the language that they are learning. We listened to the good word in languages like Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Mandarin, Tagalog, Russian, and Arabic to name a few. It was pretty amazing. Truly God is aware of all his children and will spread his truth to "every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
As I near what might be the end of my time in Monterey, it becomes increasingly clear to me the deep love I have developed for this people and this community. My heart sorrows for my inevitable departure but I have been comforted as it seems I always am, by an insight in my studies.
"But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever;"
Though I must leave these people, though our circumstances divide us, though our relationship may be over at this time and season, the pure love that I have developed for them truly "endureth forever."
Similarly, we learn that the prime expressor and even expression of this love, is Jesus Christ. His love for us is not imaginary, It is real. It is not shallow, It is infinitely deep, and perfectly personal. And most importantly it is not fickle, not in the slightest. "Charity never faileth." Christ's love is eternal and unfaltering even when everyone else's may be. His love for you will never cease and it will never fail. And as our Exemplar, Christ has taught us that love will not fail. Keep caring, keep loving, it will not be in vain. I promise you that, with all that I have and all that I am.
I love you. I really do. You are my Brothers and Sisters after all.
Love Love Love--The Mountain Goats
Peace out,
Elder Winegar
Charity Never Faileth
Monday, February 7, 2022
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